1. What is mean by AIX?
Ans:- AIX means advanced interactive executive. IBM has invented AIX which is nothing but the advanced UNIX.
2. How do i know my H/W is 64 bit or 32 bits?
Ans:- bootinfo –y will show you the answer.
3. How do I know my kernel is 64 bit or 32 bits?
Ans:- bootinfo –k
4. How to activate quorum of vg ?
Ans:- #chvg -Qy VGname
5. How to disable quorum of vg ?
Ans:- # chvg -Qn VGname
6. How to Check quorum stat of vg ?
Ans:- #lsvg VGname | grep QUORUM
7. How to reset Password in AIX?
a. Log in as root or admin user.
b. Use passwd command to reset the password.
c. #passwd user_name
d. This will ask you
e. New password:
f. Enter new password and confirm again.
g. Password change completed.
8. How to set password to non expiry in AIX?
a. Log in as root or admin user.
b. Use pwdadm –C username command to set non expiry passwd.
c. # pwdadm –C username
9. How to create User in aix?
a. Log in as root or admin user.
b. Use smitty mkuser .
c. User name is only mandatory field.
d. Enter user name and press enter.
e. If you see command run OK. You have created user.
10. How to list user attributes?
a. Log in as root or admin user.
b. Use lsuser command to list user attributes.
c. Eg.# lsuser user_name
d. Above command list all attributes of user_name.
Hai senthil, the AIX interview questions and answers which you shared is really useful for beginners as well as experts please keep sharing the info regards- IBM worklight Online Training